Our DNA emits light!


How cells “talk” to each other?

When you get a cut or scratch on your skin, the cells that are injured somehow signal the surrounding healthy cells to begin reproducing copies of themselves to fill in and mend the opening. When the skin is back to normal, a signal is sent to the cells to tell them to stop reproducing. Scientists have wondered exactly how this works.


Dr. Garjajev, a Russian again scientist, claims organisms use this “light” to “talk” to other organisms and suggested that this could explain telepathy and ESP. It was like human beings already had their own wireless internet based on our DNA.

http://viewzone2.com/dna.html   (Click on this link to read more)

Ancient Egyptian Godesses

Names of Egyptian gods and goddesses

The ancient Egyptiansworshipped many gods at different times and in different places. Some gods changed in importance over time.

Ancient Egyptian Godesses

Ancient Egyptian Godesses

  • Ammut, or Ammit or Ahemait, is the crocodile goddess known as the “Devourer of the Dead”. Also known as Ammit the Devourer. Ammut also assists Anubis with carrying out the Judgements
  • Anput is the wife of Anubis. Anput is the goddess of the seventeenth Nome of Upper Egypt. Anput is the mother of Kebechet.
  • Anubis is god of judgement of life and death and the canine god.
  • Anuket is the goddess of river Nile.
  • Apophis is the god of chaos and war. He dwells in the Duat. Also known as Apep.
  • Aten is the god of the sun.
  • Babi is the god of baboons.
  • Bast or Bastet is the cat goddess.
  • Bes is the dwarf god.
  • Geb is the god of the earth.
  • Gengen-Wer is the goose god.
  • Hapi is the god of the Nile.
  • Hathor is the goddess of love.
  • Heket is the goddess of frogs.
  • Horus is the god of war, sky, and falcons. He is the son of Osiris.
  • Isis is the goddess of magic, marriage, healing, and motherhood. She is the wife and sister of Osiris and the mother of Horus. She is proud and deceives people, she arranged for Ra to be killed, so her son Horus would take the role of king of the gods.
  • Kebechet the goddess of purification, also is known as the wandering goddess, or the lost child.
  • Khepri is the god of scarab beetles. (Ra’s aspect in the morning).
  • Khnum is the ram-headed god. (Ra’s aspect in the evening).
  • Khonsu is the god of the Moon.
  • Ma’at is the goddess of justice and of order.
  • Mafdet is the god of justice.
  • Mekhit is the minor lion goddess; married to Onuris.
  • Nephthys is the river goddess.
  • Nekhbet is the vulture goddess.
  • Nut is the goddess of sky and stars.
  • Osiris is the god of the underworld and the afterlife. Husband and brother of Isis.
  • Ptah is the god of creation.
  • Ra is the god of the Sun and king of the gods until Osiris took over his throne. Also known as Amun-Ra and Akmun-Rah.
  • Sehkmet is the goddess of lions and fire also goddess of vengeance, alter form of Isis.
  • Serqet is the goddess of scorpions.
  • Seshat is the goddess of writing and measurement.
  • Set is the god of deserts, storms, evil, and chaos also later version ruler of the underworld.
  • Shu is the god of wind and air.
  • Sobek is the god of crocodiles and alligators.
  • Tawaret is the hippopotamus goddess, and the goddess of childbirth and fertility.
  • Thoth is the scribe god and the god of wisdom, also known as Djehuti.
  • Wadjet is a goddess of protection.

Necklace of King TutAnkhAmon

Winged URAUES – representing the Goddess UADJET, necklace from the “House of Eternity” of King TutAnkhAmon.

Uraues is a symbol of kingship in Egypt represented by a COBRA in an upright position worn as a head ornament or crown. The symbol protected the king and was an agent of his destructive powers, spitting fire.

Necklace of King TutAnkhAmon

Necklace of King TutAnkhAmon

What is Remote Viewing?

What is Remote Viewing?

 Remote Viewing is a form of psychic paranormal activity where a person has the ability to shift awareness from one state to another in a light form of trance to assist with missing objects; people or past events. It is a form of extra sensory perception where you shift perception/awareness/thought to the place; name or whilst holding an object of the person connected (psychometric) when it is out of normal view of vision or understanding from a person without the ability trained.

 We all have the ability to go into any form of trance, mesmerism or hypnosis but with lack of belief within self it is difficult to trust in the information you have accessed.

 Remote Viewing has been used by USA Government, UK Government, Police, CID investigations with specialist Psychic Remote Viewers assisting with the above on murder cases & wars. It has also been tested in the Medical Profession now specialist Doctors are using Remote Viewing with Medical Cases.

Third Eye

Third Eye of Horus

Happy Easter

Christmas and Easter are really all about the same story. It’s a story of unparalleled love.

(Find it in John, Chapter 3 verse 16.)

Easter Wishes

If you don’t know Him just ask Him to make Himself known to you. He has promised that if we seek Him, we will find Him. Ask God to reveal Himself to you and He will lead you to His Son.


Butterfly is the symbol of change, the soul, creativity, freedom, joy and colour. Their power is transformation, shape shifting and soul evolution. They represent the element of air, quickly changing and always on the move gracefully. Butterflies are messengers of the moment and come in a wide array of colours. Studying these colours can help you uncover butterflies message to you. It reminds us not to take things too seriously and to get up and move. They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to be a traumatic experience. It can be joyous. Butterflies possess the ability to grow and change, leaving the safety of their cocoon to discover a new world in a new form without fear, trusting their untested wings to fly without a doubt in their minds. They work through many important stages to become the beautiful creature they are.


We are Energy

To understand how Reiki, or any other form of energetic healing for that matter, works, you must first understand that we live in a universe that is made up entirely of energy. Einstein, one of the greatest thinkers in the history of our planet even put this principal into one of the most widely known mathematical equations in 1905; E=mc2. Everything in this universe is energy. Our thoughts are energy, our emotions are energy, even our physical bodies and all physical matter is just a dense form of energy.

We are beings of Energy

Everything is Energy

Now that we understand that we are beings of energy, we must realize that there is much more to us than just our physical bodies. Most of us have heard of the “aura”, also known as the EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) or Biofield, the energy field which surrounds the body and all matter. Most people, however, assume that the field radiates out from and is created by the body or object the field is surrounding, when in fact the opposite is true. It is the energy field that gives rise to the physical object, be it a chair or a person. It is the field that creates us and is this field that stores the bulk of who we are. Our thoughts, emotions, our past, the very essence of who we are resides in this field, or more accurately in these fields, for there is more than one. Just as the physical body has different layers that perform different functions so has the Biofield.

We must also understand that the field not only creates us but it is this field that sustains us through our existence. It is through this field that we get the majority of the life force energy that we need to survive and stay healthy. Most people believe that we get the energy we need to survive from what we eat, drink, and breathe. Actually these provide us with only a fraction of the energy we need to survive. In fact in today’s world it would be more correct to say we survive in spite of what we eat, drink, and breathe! (Many saints/ scholars proved it. You may Google it for YouTube videos). The vast majority is attained from the sea of energy (the Universal Energy) in which we live and filtered down through the various layers of the energy system before finally reaching the physical body. People can, and have, survived for weeks without eating, days without water, and minutes without air, but if we are cut off from the flow of life force energy into us, even for a second, we cease to exist.

Rewrite Your Soul Contract

None of us can go back in time and rewrite the past, no matter how bad we may want to. With the proper guidance, however, we can rewrite our future by amending your soul contract.

What Is a Soul Contract?
Your soul contract was made before you entered this life. Your spirit guide asked you to choose from a plethora of life lessons that you wanted to learn in your next life — lessons that you were unable to master in your previous life. The lessons that you committed yourself to then are what make up your soul contract.

If you have noticed that you seem to encounter the same types of problems over and over no matter what you do, this could be the result of your spiritual attempts to fulfill your soul contract. You are probably not aware of these patterns, or why they exist, which is why consulting a psychic can be particularly helpful.


Amending Your Soul Contract:
The true beauty of the soul contract is that it can be amended with the help of a psychic. It can be rewritten to guide you toward new life lessons and experiences that will create new value for your life, rather than continuing to try to teach you the same lessons you have already learned.

When you chose the components of your soul contract, you had no way of knowing how long it would take you to learn what you needed to learn. You may have fulfilled your contract years ago, but because you have not had psychic guidance to amend that contract, you end up just hitting the same frustrating brick wall over and over again. A trained psychic, however, can help you rewrite your soul contract in such a way that these frustrating patterns can be broken for good. Your life can completely change once you renew and revise your purpose in this world.

For example, before you returned to Earth you opted to learn patience, because you had experienced certain problems in your past life with being patient. As you progress through your new life, your patience will be tested again and again, because this is the path you have chosen. You may have not expected to learn to master patience until you were well into your golden years. But let’s say you exceeded your own expectations and learned it much sooner. While this is a wonderful accomplishment, the contract you agreed to is still in effect. So even though you have now learned the life lesson that you committed to learning, you will continue to experience situations that test your patience, making your life far more difficult than it needs to be. These patterns are likely to persist until you consult with a trained psychic who is qualified to help you rewrite your contract and choose new, far more valuable and satisfying pursuits to follow.

Another example might be if you chose to experience heartbreak in this lifetime, because in the past you were always the one breaking hearts. You may have wanted to learn this lesson so you could be humbled and become more compassionate toward other people. But now you have had your heart broken so many times, you don’t think you can bear to go through it again. You have two choices: you can run away from love for the rest of your life, or you can commit yourself to using what you have learned to grow and help others. In the process, you can use the wisdom of a professional psychic to help guide you toward a new, much less agonizing goal. Your psychic will be able to tell if you have truly learned the lesson that you set out to learn, and if you have, he or she can lead you in a more satisfying direction.

The wisdom that your soul acquired in the past has been formulated to guide you in your current quests. You made this choice with confidence and insight, which means that the destiny you have been following has been a wise one. However, one of the most magnificent things about being human is that we have free will. We have the free will to change lanes on the freeway when we realize that the one we originally selected is blocked. We have the free will to change our jobs when we begin to recognize that we are unsatisfied. This does not mean that our original choice of traffic lane or place of employment was erroneous or invalid. It simply means that as we learned more through experience; our needs and desires changed. The exact same principles hold true for rewriting soul contracts. At the time we made the contract, our choices were the best possible ones we could make. But as we progressed through life, and experienced more and more of what life has to offer, our needs began to change.

As our spirits, our minds and our souls evolve, we need to find new ways to grow. Consulting a psychic to help you discover which parts of your soul contract need to be rewritten can be the first step in propelling your life in an entirely new and better direction. Whether you are trying to find love, pull yourself out of a funk, or stop repeating the same old tired patterns that have defined your life, getting a soul contract reading from a qualified psychic could be the very thing your soul has been searching for.